Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Archaeologists find 800 year old skeletons in Mexico

Archaeologists from the National Institute of Anthropology and History of Mexico found in the center of the country, skeletons of 13 persons, children and adults, estimated to have lived approximately 800 years ago. The discovery occurred when archaeologists supervised the installation of a new drainage system in Cholula, a town about 120 kilometers from Mexico City, the capital.

Archaeologists are now working to identify the sex and ethnicity of the skeletons. The skeletons were found in 12 boxes made of basalt, a funeral tradition. According to experts, the skeletons were grouped into two burials, probably a family mortuary space.

In the same region, a few months ago, mammoth bones were found more than 10,000 years old. According to scholars, the animals lived in the Ice Age.

In April, 17 skeletons about 700 years old were also discovered in the same region.

According to experts, the Chiapas region is full of shelters under the rocks of Guanajuato, which contributes to the discovery of artifacts and skeletal remains.

Experts say the studies show that there are paleontological discoveries dating back to the Ice Age (10,000 years ago), with cave paintings and tools of hunter-gatherers of the first inhabitants of the Americas.

Some skeletons wore ornaments made from shells and snails found in the region of the Gulf of California. They were bangles, a nose ring, earrings, pendants and necklaces of shell beads. Also, an individual was buried with a turtle shell placed at the height of the abdomen.

"The North, the desert, the Northeast and the coast are the most researched, from these findings it is known that the southeast is different from what was known, this side is completely new."

Translated from the Portuguese version by: Lisa Karpova

Source: Pravda.Ru

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