Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Changes For Ancient Digger

Greetings Ancient Diggers. I'll start my last semester this Tuesday (I'm sitting here tying this in class, so terrible I know, but it hasn't started just yet) and then I'll be graduating in May. I have made several changes to the site, and some new additions are on the way. At the moment, I'm working on the Digger Archaeology Channel which will feature the latest news in archaeology, anthropology, history, paleontology, and many more fascinating topics. This new site will be strictly videos, so if in your just looking to sit back and relax and watch a short news blurb or documentary, this is the place to be.

I'm also putting together an archaeology directory, which is not live to the public just yet, but will feature scholarships, journal articles, school information, archaeology blogs, and listings for field schools.

I'm trying to implement a more interactive, so to speak, experience. As a student, I know how important it is to receive information in many different formats. It makes the learning experience much more enjoyable, and not so mundane. So if you have any suggestions for the new sites, this is the time to speak up.

Thanks again for being devoted readers of Ancient Digger!

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