Thursday, August 6, 2009

Pterosaur's Wing, "Hairs" Unlike Any Living Animals'

"Found in a slab of Chinese shale loaded with ancient crustaceans and ash, this 135-million-year-old fossil has some of the best preserved soft tissue yet found in a pterosaur, researchers said in an August 2009 study.

New analysis of the creature's wings has shown that it had uniquely complex wing membranes and a covering of fibers quite different from the hair on modern mammals." Read the full story about the pterosaur at National Geographic


  1. This is the stuff I like. They have been finding a lot about skin textures and hair form dinosaurs in the last several years. It's great that they are finding very different things than we all thought they would.

  2. You know, I distinctly remember in my Geology class seeing a video about a dinosaur that had been preserved in a casing. I need to find it and share it with all of you.


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